Annex 93 Subtasks

To achieve the project’s objectives, four subtasks are planned, three content-related subtasks and one integrating and
dissemination subtask.

The deliverables of this project are intended to be sufficiently scientific with theoretical and quantitative proofs, and
totally free from bias. To reach the Annex project objectives the following means for the research will be used:

  • Literature Survey: Collection of sufficiently robust and detailed information accumulated across cold regions (policy, climate information, building technical system engineering and mechanical system engineering, impact on occupants, environment, social and economic).
  • Impact Assessment Data: The overall framework will be developed and collected through stakeholders, projects etc. to assess the techno-economic, social, and environmental impact.
  • Simulation and Real Case Data Collection, Pilot Cases, and Demo Cases. Simulations will be used for detailed analysis using real data and for parametric analysis.
  • Stakeholder Engagement through real Annex related projects, workshops, and conferences
  • Evaluation and Analysis based on best practices of resilience in buildings and communities.
  • Dissemination through developing and publishing of guidelines and conference and other forums’ presentations

Subtask 1: Determine technical, economic, and social specifics of construction, operations, governance, and the use of buildings and building communities in cold regions, requirements to indoor environment and energy systems resilience

This subtask is critical for establishing the framework for the Annex. It will:

  • Offer main definitions to be used throughout the project, including those for resilience and building categories and segmentation of use
  • Determine and describe resilience in terms of “what” (buildings, systems, infrastructure) and “against what” (threats, risks, and hazards); define motivations and consequences of actions an strategies
  • Determine or even develop performance indicators to describe energy resilience
  • Develop threshold values for the indoor air environment to be used for evaluation of energy systems resilience, and energy surety, building habitability and sustainability
  • Conduct literature review(s) and identify best practices and socially acceptable technical solutions including limitations of policy, standards, and regulations
  • Conduct literature review(s) to identify and determine best practices and requirements for cold climate remote location governance, decision making, and behaviours
  • Identify economic and cost factors to be considered in the selection of construction practices and technical solutions for remote locations
  • Identify, determine, and develop a full description of the interdependent and interconnected logistics and supply chains across the end-to-end physical, technical, human, and digital aspects that enable resilience
  • Conduct literature review(s) to identify, determine, and then develop education, skills, competency, and communication needs that support all activities and objectives.


To generate information and outputs that set the stage for the rest of the project. This information will include agreed upon definitions and requirements which will be used throughout the project, determine/develop performance indicators and other metrics to describe energy resiliency (including applicable building standards utilized in countries that experience extreme cold temperatures for a significant period during the year), energy surety, building habitability, sustainability, governance and behaviours, identify best practices and socially acceptable solutions, and identify economic and cost factors considered in selection of construction practices and technical solutions for remote (see definitions) locations. Subtask 1 will focus on the specifics of cold climate and remote location, external and internal environment, limitations and challenges, energy security, threats, risks and resilience and associated governance, decision making and behaviours to normal and adverse events arising from consequences. 


The outcome of the Subtask 1 will inform the guide on energy-resilient buildings, their related communities along with interdependent and supporting logistics, and supply chains in cold climate remote areas. Specific inputs will include the definition, framework (technical, social, governance and behavioural aspects), and other details of the adverse and extreme events that may occur in remote cold climate regions. The guide will also describe identified challenges and limitations across a range of policy, standards, and regulatory aspects in cold regions. Finally, it will describe the key stakeholders and actors directly and indirectly impacted by the built environment and supporting logistics and supply chains in terms of economic, cost, technical, social, and governance aspects.

Subtask 2: Investigate specifics of buildings and their construction in remote cold regions

Subtask 2 will concentrate on the building envelope in cold remote areas, defining the building envelope as, the roof, facades, and foundation (including basement, crawlspace, and other foundations). The subtask will not focus on any specific building type; it can include permanent and temporary settlements and buildings, and buildings with different uses, e.g., residential, office, industrial, and hospital facilities. There will be no limitation on materials. Wood, steel, and concrete may currently be the most common load-bearing materials, but this may change as demand for sustainable solutions increases. More advanced materials like phase-change materials PCMs may find increased use if these materials are easy to procure, handle, and maintain. The subtask may consider modular buildings, including tiny houses, to reduce per-person CO2 footprint. Nevertheless, local cultures play a large role in the building layout; the building shape factor is important.


The direct outcome of Subtask 2 will be included in the guide on energy-resilient buildings in cold remote areas. The input will be on the building envelope, both best practices for new buildings and renovation based on location (which includes climate), and tradition; availability of products and skilled labour will be considered. Performance indicators with thresholds will also be described, including possible differences depending on building use. Direct beneficiaries are planners who can find help and inspiration in the guide. Once best practices are determined and construction and operation phases are considered, contractors and building owners will also benefit from the work, fostering a more sustainable built environment. 

Participants from relevant regions will take local initiatives like outreach to practitioners and authorities responsible for building regulations. These activities could include oral presentations, workshops, pamphlets etc., in local languages. 

The results will also be presented to academia through papers in international peer-reviewed journals and conferences. 

Subtask 3: Investigate resilient building and building clusters’ energy systems, renewable energy sources, and systems integration

Subtask 3 will focus on designing, controlling, and optimizing energy systems inside buildings, and on the electricity and heat generation and distribution mechanisms crucial for buildings in cold, remote areas by integrating renewable energy and innovative technologies. This subtask will address the operational conditions of these energy systems in cold regions, with focus on their ability to adapt to extreme situations, such as grid breakdowns, or varying energy demand and high demand peaks associated with extreme weather conditions and colder climates. Depending on the specific local regional conditions, local energy systems may include different infrastructure types and components, e.g., access to renewable energy sources, feasibility to connect buildings to the electric grid or district heating network, and suitability for building district heating networks (e.g. considering challenges posed by permafrost).

Locally available renewable energy sources are preferable due to the potential transportation challenges associated with delivering fuels to cold regions. The types of renewable energy resources vary and may include biomass, geothermal, hydro, and wind. Furthermore, despite the misconception that solar energy is ineffective in cold climates, it remains a viable option, albeit with slightly reduced efficiency. Technologies suitable for heat and electricity production in cold regions also vary and include hydropower, wind power, condensing power plants (depending on the available fuels), boilers and HPs (extract heat from the outside air, ground, or water sources). Small-scale combined heat and power plants connected to building clusters is also a viable option. Furthermore, energy storage technologies, such as batteries or thermal storage systems (TMES), can play a decisive role in increasing the resilience of energy systems in cold regions by mitigating energy demand fluctuations and ensuring a reliable energy supply, especially during peak heating periods. A key aspect involves the use of advanced control systems, and the optimization of energy production/storage to meet the demand reliably while reducing the energy costs and shaving the peak demands.


A standalone report on Subtask 3 and inputs to relevant chapters of the guidelines.

Subtask 4: Develop guidelines and disseminate knowledge

This subtask will coordinate subtasks 1, 2 and 3 and integrate inputs from these subtasks in a coherent guide to ensure harmony and to maximize their synergies. The guide will include but not be limited to the following topics:

  • Definition, indicator, and framework of energy system and building resilience including operational assurance guidelines
  • Framework for governance, decision-making, and other behaviours in normal and crisis events
  • Consequence and motivation analysis
  • Stakeholder mapping and role and responsibility matrix
  • Education, skills, competencies, and communication analysis and recommendations
  • Cold climate remote locations challenges (risks, threats, vulnerabilities, and hazards)
  • Essential services and materials logistics and supply chain interdependencies mapping and gap analysis
  • Building type and occupancy use segmentation and categorization
  • Policy, standards, and regulatory limitations (barriers and challenges)
  • Requirements for building thermal conditions under normal and emergency operations in cold regions for thermal energy systems resilience
  • Building envelope requirements for new construction and major renovation
  • Analysis of economic and cost drivers and barriers
  • Increasing building mass by using PCM
  • Considerations for foundation construction on permafrost
  • Best practices for ventilation, heat, cooling, and plumbing
  • Considerations for HVAC design in arctic climate remote sites
  • District heating and cooling systems
  • Energy surety and decarbonization strategies through the use of transitional, blue, and green fuels, and of energy from renewable sources
  • Integration of mid-term and long-term/seasonal thermal storage
  • Integration of thermal and power grids in cold climate
  • Decarbonization strategies for cold and remote locations
  • Mobile and off-grid heating and power solutions
  • Case studies.

Subtask 4 will also include development and maintenance of a public website for public information and a secure, private portal for internal information exchanges among participants., the preparation of biannual and final reports, will inform Annex team members about dissemination opportunities through technical papers and conference presentations and the organization of International Forums at the beginning and at the end of the Annex.

Annex Info & Contact

Status: Ongoing (2025 - 2028)

Operating Agents

Dr Hassam ur Rehman
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland

Dr Alexander Zhivov
US Army Engineer Research and Development Center Construction Engineering Research Laboratory